Hey people!
We're still pushing the project forward! Ever so slowly...
We are calling it "Two Countries", for now. Below are some designs for our two leads, named the Fat Man and the Hat Man (also working titles). We're making up a lot of this as we go along. I just saw Pete Rock, the hip hop producer, describing making beats as being "like a jigsaw puzzle", and that's exactly what this stage of the process is like! Figuring out how much to show, how much to hide, how to show it... Man. Unfortunately, we're not even really sure how long it'll end up being, at least until the storyboard is done.

And as for the schedule, we're actually a liiiitle bit behind, but since we're working in advance of the real due dates, I guess we're OK. We'll have to work on that, though...
I gather a lot more people are reading this than we thought! Thank you!!! Please drop us a line from time to time.
Coming soon: The story of Iwinyo Piny. :)
I like the thick outline on the characters and Hat Man's nose.
coooool! so how is the work going to be delegated.Al try do some test animations of these characters see how it wrks out.Good wrk people...lucas
Dan, I think you are talented. How long would you take to do a full storyboard for a movie? Hit me up on kevin.kihara@gmail.com
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